In an effort to control the airways and incorporate drones into the airway system, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) posted a notification FAA-2019-1100-0001 stating there will be a comment period beginning 31 December 2019 and ending 02 March 2020. A request for extension was submitted but denied. So the question now is, how will this affect the drone operator?
In my opinion, if you are a recreational drone operator, it appears there will be limitations for you to enjoy your hobby. The regulation as written in the proposal, seems to limit opportunities for recreational flyers, with a couple of exceptions, and maximize opportunities for large commercial operations. Drones weighing less than 0.55 pounds, or amateur built drones will not be required to have remote ID. Also there will be designated areas called FAA Recognized Identification Areas. Drones will be allowed to operate in these areas without the Remote ID. But imagine operating in an area with 30 other drones occupying the same limited space. Good luck. Also what's the point, most operators use their drone for other reasons. Drones are equipped with cameras and video capabilities that allow drone operators to capture stunning images and videos. Additionally, if you opt to purchase a drone weighing less than 0.55 lbs to avoid the new regulation, you can fly without the remote ID but will only be able to do so as long as you do not operate the drone beyond 400 feet from the controller.
So what is Remote ID? Technology exists so a drone can be equipped with a means to transmit electronically the identification number, and location of the controller and drone. The purpose stated for this rule is safety. I understand this very well. Living on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, the airways are congested not only with commercial and private planes, but tour helicopters also. The latter is more of a problem than the former. This will be implemented similar to LAANC (Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability) which is a third party vendor. The other half of this equation is law enforcement, they will be equipped with an App that will assist them with identifying the location of the drone operator. The cost to subscribe to the UAS Service Suppliers (USS) is $2.50 monthly or $30.00 annually.
- When will this requirement be implemented? I do not know the exact date but the FAA's proposal indicates by the end of this year.
- How will the FAA monitor compliance? By law all UAS operating in U.S. controlled airspace must have an FAA Tracking Number, and must be labeled on the drone. So you must register your drone with the FAA. See HOW TO LABEL DRONE Additionally, if this proposal is implemented, then drone operators will be required to have a Remote ID. Law enforcement agencies will be able to access remote identification information in near real-time and also access remote identification information maintained by Remote ID USS.
- Who is responsible for the installation of Remote ID? Ultimately the burden will be placed on the manufactures. But, you as the operator will need to ensure you are in compliance.
- What action should drone operators take? Because this is a pending regulation, I suggest read the FAA proposal. Also I am delaying any drone purchases until the regulation is implemented. Research drone manufacturers that already have the capability to install the Remote ID.
There is so much more so I encourage you to click on the FAA LINK and dig into the details. Unfortunately I believe this is a done deal. I also believe it's a path for large corporations such as Amazon, FEDEX and others to clear the airspace for their use, all the while limiting the average drone operator's ability to operate freely. I understand safety, but I believe there is a less intrusive method to alert aircraft and drone operators of an impending hazard.
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