Missed Opportunities

Occasionally when we least expect it, an opportunity will present itself, but we fail to act.  One day while sitting in a newly opened coffee shop, I noticed the walls were bare, and painted a bright white. I couldn't help but wondered, was this the owner's intent? Most coffee shops have decorative art as part of their setting.

While I sat and watched people coming and going, I noticed a gentleman who was very busy. It appeared that he was either the owner or the manager. However, because he was hurrying around, greeting customers, and talking on his cell phone, I chose not to bother him. My reasoning, I didn't want to interrupt him and quite possibly hinder future negotiations with him.

Coffee Beans

Coffee Beans Plant

Approximately three weeks later I returned to the coffee shop, and my question had been answered. The owner placed on the nice bright walls some paintings. In business there is a fine line between being aggressive and overly aggressive. As I reflect I should have gently interrupted him and gave him a business card. I certainly have artwork that I could have displayed. Although not guaranteed this would have given me a slight chance; but instead I chose to do nothing. Always give potential customers the opportunity to say no. "I Learned From That." 
