Cameras and Professional Cameras

I often here people say if I had an expensive camera I would be able to take better pictures. Although owning a Canon EOS 1D ($5999.00) or the Nikon D5 ($5999.95) will help produce quality photographs, there is more to taking photographs than the camera itself.  A quote that can be attributed to Ansel Adams is, "You don't take a picture, you make it." The fore mentioned cameras are cost prohibitive for most photographers. Then along those same lines, I see folks with an expensive camera but they only use the auto settings. Again, you can produce quality photographs, but your limiting your capability with the camera. If you merely choose to use the auto settings, you can purchase a nice point and shoot for a much lower price. It's like buying a pick up truck with heavy duty suspension and a tow hitch to carry heavy loads and all you use the truck for is to pick up groceries. The added features made the truck more expensive but what's the point. 

Here is an excerpt from a blog I wrote in 2017 "Although the technology has improved significantly, it always has and always will be the person behind the camera. Whether it's making photographs with an iPhone or a Drone, we compose and create, and the camera is our tool. This has and always will be the emphasis with regards to photography. The above photographs were made with a camera, is it possible to distinguish which camera was used? 

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