Experience is the Best Teacher

There are many tasks I perform prior to launching my drone.  Experience has taught me many lessons. I once launched my drone without the SD card inserted 😼. Since that time I made a pre-flight checklist. This has become a ritual. It may too late once on location and I haven't prepared well. This is not an all inclusive list but just some tasks I believe, can have a snowball effect on the outcome of your mission. One mistake or error in judgment generally leads to others and the once manageable situation has now been compounded.

  1. Check for system updates. There are numerous things that can go awry, for example the GPS is not updated. No explanation needed.
  2. Ensure your batteries and controller are fully charged. Lithium batteries will slowly discharge when not in use. When battery levels are extremely low it is harder for the drone to perform at optimal level. 
  3. I always check the propellers. Lock them in place, and wiggle a few times to check if they are seated properly and not loose.
  4. Insert SD card. I do this at home and check one more time before I launch my drone. This one resonates with me. I refer to this as the time I missed my chance for the million dollar shot.
  5. Once on location I sit and observe for about 15-20 minutes. This gives me time to plan and visualize how I will approach the flight. This will also help save precious battery life. Trying to figure out my flight plan in-flight wastes time.
Preparation and planning will significantly increase your flying time and minimize setbacks. Experience is the best teacher, "I Learned From That". Please send your comments, and you can follow me on Twitter @DannyBaker0
