We create our opportunities, but chance sometimes falls on our lap. Aren't opportunity and chance synonymous. Look it up in the thesaurus, the answer to that question is yes. What I mean is, if we as artists do not take time to do what is required, then we will never create our opportunity, thus we will never have a chance to succeed. For example the Butterfly and Sunflower photograph was taken while wandering around a sunflower farm on Oahu's North Shore. Had I not taken the time to drive to the North Shore I would not have had the chance to capture this beautiful moment in time. The opportunity was there, I took a chance, and luck was on my side. There are times when we need to push ourselves to do things. This was one of those times. I could have stayed in bed. However, I mustered the energy to drive the distance and I am glad I did. "I Learned From That".
Butterflies and  Sunflower


  1. Great point! All to often we let opportunity pass us by. It’s easy to find an excuse to do nothing. Jump in and have fun!


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